On May 5th we had the Annual Special Olympics DPS Torch Run/Ride, The track team takes turns and carries the torch from about 15 miles outside of Bison and runs it into the church where the special olympics kids are waiting. Them with all their family walk it down to Tin Pan Alley (almost to the Post Office) and from there people take it on bikes to Payson. This year was extra special because the community came together and raised enough money to buy this $9000 bike for Derik to be able to participate in. So he got to go some of the way to Payson in his bike with his dad and other taking turns with him.
Here is the track team running it in to the church.
Dustin and Noah - best of buddies.
Caleb handing the torch to Derik after they got in with it.
Track team and special olympics kids.
The bikers are ready to go. Bruce was able to ride to Payson with the group and I got to follow them down to Payson in the Porter's van so when Derik needed to get out of his bike they could put him in the van.
It was a very humbling experience to watch this. Derik loved every minute of the time he got to spend in his bike. It was a rainy cold day. Thankfully the rain held off for a little while to give him a turn on it. A little before Forrest Lakes it was starting to rain pretty good and was getting cold. So he rode with me until Tyler Park Way going into Payson.
Here they are coming up the hill outside of Heber. Tough hill to get up when you start at the bottom and don't have any momentum.
It rained and rained quite a bit on these guys. They kept biking through all of it. The top of the rim was super foggy and you could barley see in front of you so they blocked off both lanes going down the rim for them. They all said that part was a blast.
It was way fun watching them. Derik loved it when we were behind them but when we had to pass them and get in front of them to wait for them he didn't like that much and would start fussing at me.
Everybody made it safe and sound with no wrecks thankfully. Here they are just getting into Payson.
It was a really fun day but I can honestly say it has never taken me 4 plus hours to get to Payson before :)