Our trip to Disneyland was a total BLAST! It just so ended up that as soon as we got there on Tuesday we ran into Will and Rachel and their family. Bruce and I knew they were going but it was supposed to be a surprise for the kids. We made our plans and they made theirs and it just so happened we were going the exact same days. We just went 4 and they went 3 and went to the beach 1 day. Dustin heard Grandma say something about it one time so he knew but didn't say anything to us then Taylor found out and told Rhett. So besides those boys it was a surprise to the rest of them - and boy were they surprised when we turned the corner in Adventure Land and there they were. This top picture is one the Jungle Cruise ride. That was the first ride we went on.
Then it was on to pirates. This is still one of my favorite rides ever!!
We love the "Fire at Will" part of the ride. Every time we went on this we cheered at that part with Will with us!
Then on to Indiana Jones.
Haunted Mansion. Dustin wanted his picture taken here by these head stones because there is one that says "Dustin T. Dust".
Winnie the Pooh ride
Then we did the canoes. Paddled our way around the island.
Tikki Room
Splash Mountain was a ride we rode over and over. Thank heavens for fast passes!
Snow White
We were so excited to see Olaf at Disneyland! Sad to say that was one disappointment - probably the only disappointment of the whole trip but he was just on top of this house talking. So we all got a good look and tried to get our fix of Olaf but it didn't work! I hope Disney steps it up and makes Olaf a real person with a snow cloud over him!
The teacups are always a must. Bruce and Rachel sat this one out!
Then on to the Matterhorn. This is another one the kids loved. Kaylee was brave and rode everything!
Parades at Disneyland are the best!
Our motel - the Staybridge Inn and Suites was just around the block from Disneyland. We drove to the parking lot at Disney and rode this bus into Disneyland.
Tylinn and Garett waiting for Indiana Jones.
Fantasmic show!
The next day we went to California Adventure. We were outside the ropes waiting for 9:00 to come. I saw some people using early admission passes to get in. We wanted to get some tickets to the World of Color that night. So I just asked the worker if you could get tickets to the World of Color before 9:00. He quietly handed me a pass and said with this you can. It was an early admission pass. So we sent Will and Bruce to get tickets for that show and fast passes to the cars ride. As soon as they opened the gates Rachel and I took off with the kids for cars. We had heard that if you don't ride it in the very beginning there could be hours of hours waits. So we stood in line about 20 minutes then rode it and had fast passes. We were very lucky to get to ride it twice. The fast passes were out so fast too! That ride was SO cool! I loved it!
All of these pictures are taking in line or on the Cars ride. It was so cool!
These were at the tractor tire ride in CA Adventure.
Hmm out of order......back to Cars
After we left the ride we sat Tow Mater and McQueen driving around.
We had to do The Little Mermaid ride. It was nice because the line was in the shade and the line went fast!
Tower of Terror!!! Tylinn was tired and was so afraid of this ride. She went and cried on it. If she wouldn't have been so tired she would have been fine. Bridget on the other hand LOVED it!

We went on CA Screamin. Kaylee was a trooper through all of the rides and just rode them with out being scared. It helps because at Disneyland the rides are indoor so they don't know what they are before hand. Well this isn't the case with CA Screamin. She saw it and was so scared. She told me the whole time waiting that she didn't want to ride it. We tried talking her into it a little then I told her she didn't have to if she didn't want to - I totally understand little kids with big roller coasters! Well right before we got there she said she wanted to ride it. I was shocked! She got on and was crying as before we even took off. She worker asked her if she wanted to ride and she said no. They unlatched everybody's bars and then she changed her mind she did want to. I told her that was it she had to she couldn't change again. Well we took off (fast of course with a roller coaster) and I knew we were in trouble! Kaylee started screaming and didn't quit. I felt so bad for her! She cried the entire ride. I hope it didn't scar her for life from roller coasters!!

We got to watch the Aladdin Show. We watched it years ago when we went and loved it so we knew this was a must. We all loved it! The genie was really good and funny!
Thursday we were back to Disneyland!
Star Tours - we liked this one! Space Mountain was closed while we were there so that was a big bummer!
Back to the Matterhorn!
Bruce and the other kids went on It's a Small World while Rhett and I went to get fast passes for Thunder Mountain Railroad. While we were in there we got in line to see Meredith off of Brave.
Then it was on to Toon Town. I love this little cute place!
We got in line to see Mickey and saw Minnie taking pictures with somebody.
All these fun pictures are in Mickey's house. The little girls loved all this stuff!
We had heard the Dole Whips by the Tikki Room were the best ever. We had a gift certificate that had to be used at Disney so we used some and got some Dole Whips!
We went to the Lego Store there. There were some pretty cool things built out of Legos.
Two of the afternoons we spent back at the motel swimming and naps. The kids had a blast swimming!
Our last day there we just walked through the gates and a Disney worker asked if we wanted a free ride thorough Main Street on her little buggy. She said this was our 7 minutes of fame - she would honk and we waved. It was fun to do something that everybody else doesn't get to do.
We were walking somewhere and here came Belle and Snow White. I told the girls to go hold their hands and see what they did. They let them walk with them for a little ways until they went in their little room. It was pretty neat!
We rode Splash Mountain the most out of any other ride. These are taken on there and the pictures during the drop.
Tigger, Eyeore and Pooh were at their house one time when we walked out of Splash Mountain so we decided to get a picture with them.
Out of order again.... back to Toon town.
This trip was a blast and one we will never forget!