We were very blessed again to have another great Christmas! It was a different morning - we told the kids they could wake us up at 5:45. Bruce and I woke up a few minutes before that and were laying in bed. It was a super windy yucky day and all the sudden all the electricity shut off. We were really hoping it would come right back on but it didn't. We figured it wouldn't be too bad we could just light our oil lamps and stuff. That was fine - just a little dark until we opened a hot chocolate maker and wanted to plug it in and cook our monkey bread we have every Christmas morning and little girls use Wifi to set up some things on their new ipods. So not it wasn't a huge thing but it did put a little damper on it. Also I love having Christmas music playing and the tree lights on and we didn't have any of that. Thankfully about 9:30 they got the power back on. The girls with their new aprons. Must mean they have to help mom in the kitchen ;)

The Whipple's do things different for Christmas and Caleb's family was all still asleep so he got to come with us for the morning. He and Bridget got us all decked out in Knox attire. Tylinn and Kaylee got jackets and the rest of us got Knox shirts that we all love!
He gave all the girls a little bear or puppy with a Knox shirt or something on it.
There is a joke from last year because Caleb was here last Christmas too and Bridget got Grape nuts and he isn't a fan of them. He couldn't believe somebody actually likes those. He called them Grape Rocks. Rhett got some this year so they had to get a picture with them.
Oh I love this boy!
Caleb also gave Tylinn and Kaylee a marshmallow maker they had in a shed at their house so Rhett is making marshmallows with Kaylee. They were - hmmmm interesting! :)
Tylinn and Kaylee got Chinese Jump ropes. Here is some of the action.
Got a picture with the family with all our Knox get up on!
It was a fun day! The best part about it is the time we get to spend with the family and reflect on the Savior and his birth and life. Grandma and Grandpa Flake came for a while and had dinner with us and visited. Grandpa brought his Spurs all the kids got him that L. Parry made him. - I should have taken a picture of them on him. It was a special day! We are so blessed!