Oh my goodness first day of school again!! These cuties started school on August 6!
All the kids are at the junior high and high school!
Kaylee 7th Grade- she tells me almost everyday after school how much she loves junior high! She loves the socical and the little more freedom! Also the walking to and from school and coming home for lunch!

Little Miss Tylinn is a Freshman! Hard to believe!! She loves how much better high school is then junior high! She is living high school sports and loving life!

And this Stud Muffin is a Junior! It has been nice to have a break from a Senior! Rhett wasn’t excited for school to start but so excited for football! This kid is a great student but won’t be sad when high school is over and he can move on to bigger and better things in life!

Oh how I love them! And back to school for me!
Bridget was a great girl and remembered to send a picture to her mom of her first day of her Sophomore year of college!! She wasn’t excited to start again- she loves being a wife! Life is great! ❤️