Saturday, December 24, 2016

Tender Mercy

There are many tender mercies in our lives.  Some stand out and we notice and I am sure there are lots that we don't even realize.  Well I want to write this one down.  Bridget has worked her tail off for this College Calculus class.  Hours and hours on test.  Six hours on the final.  Well her grade came and it was a B.  In college they don't do pluses or minus or anything so she didn't really know how high of a B but she knew what she got on the final and her other grades and knew it had to be a high B.  She was pretty bummed because it was the first B of her life.  She knew she worked hard and could deal with it BUT she has this scholarship at NAU that if she gets a B in a class it drops the scholarship down by $1,500 a year.  It doesn't matter if it is a weighted class or not - they go by the letter grade.  We decided it would probably be a good thing to just email her teacher and ask him if there is anything she could do and what the percent was.  She told him if not she completely understood - it is college and she would just take her B.  He emailed her back and said it was an 88% and no there was nothing she could do about it.  But she was a great student and he would be happy to write a letter of recommendation anytime for her.  Well that was that.

A couple of days later Bridget calls me during the day and said that all their test and everything were taken on the computer and so basically the computer calculates their grade.  He said he had a feeling he needed to check just their classes grades to make sure the program put everything in right.  Well he did and it changed a few kids percentages but she was the only one and it pulled her up to an A!!!!!  We are very thankful for a great teacher that listened to that little voice (Mr. Strong - LDS from Joe City) to tell him to recheck his grades.  He said she got the A she had been praying for deserved!  So Bridget held her straight A's again for another Semester.  She has another College Calculus class next semester so we are hoping she can pull an A again.  Getting an A in a College Calculus class is amazing.  The 2 A's in the class are these two in this picture.  Noah's was quite a bit higher then Bridget's but she still did it.

A little side note.  I got the kids report cards yesterday and Straight A's again for everybody!!!  Dustin is taking AP English from Mrs. Curry and it's super hard and he also has a college math 152 class that he has had to work hard at.  Bridget took English 101 too through Dual Enrollment and got 992 points out of 1000.  So thankful for kids that get good grades and care about their future.  We don't reward our kids for A's but figure their reward is later in life with scholarships for college.  Great job kids!

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