Monday, April 22, 2013

Dancing Queens

These 2 girls have been up to nothing but messes and more messes lately.  It's getting really old.  They have made messes lots before but not as big or as many or something.  When they are going to play something it just takes every book or every blanket and this and that and just ends up in a huge mess. 
Yesterday they were playing in the bedroom for a while.  They came out and wanted Bruce and I.  We were just getting ready to leave so we told them when we got back we would go see what they were up to.  I have to admit because of the reason above I wasn't too excited!  Well we went in their bedroom and they had the lights off and it was dark.  They had music playing on my Kindle and told us to dance.  They had flashlights for the spotlights.  It was the cutest sweet.  They told us it was because we haven't danced in a long time so they wanted us to dance.  It ended up being pretty darn special!
I hope next time I have a little more excitement when they are up to something!