Friday, April 12, 2013


We were honored to go to Bridget's (along with many other YW) Personal Progress Recognition Dinner last night in Taylor.  They have a nice dinner for the girls who earn their PP award that year.  Bridget finished hers on her 14th birthday in October but had to wait until now for the dinner.  They had a girl from Taylor sing "In a Holy Place". When it was the chorus the girls from our ward walked up and sang with her.  It was really neat.

 They had a couple of girls talk a little about one of their projects that they did. Sister Johnson from the Temple spoke to the girls along with President Whipple.  They gave each of the girls one of these really nice canvas prints of the Snowflake Temple.  Here Bridget is going to up get hers from Bro. Maner.
 Bridget and Megan
 Bridget and Sienna
Jennifer, Megan, Bridget, Sienna

 Bridget is one amazing YW and daughter.  She is such a happy girl and a great example not only to her other brothers and sisters but to Bruce and I. The temple behind her and in her hands is where she wants to be!  We couldn't ask for a better teenager to start this parenting thing with.  We love you Bridget!


cturley said...

Congrats to Bridgette!! That is a great accomplishment at that age.

Snowflakers said...

Yes, Bridget is amazimg - I love her